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Using Micro-Dreams to Access Deeper insightful realizations

This ongoing experiment explains how micro dreams are a technique to access higher knowledge and a higher % of the brain for a brief time during sleep onset.

Being half-way asleep to get good ideas is referenced throughout history. The subconscious sends key info to the conscious mind,  a kernel of an idea that illuminates a situation or concern needing higher knowledge to understand.

  • August Kekulé used it to realize benzene in Chemistry,

  • Salvador Dali used it for Art, 

  • Joseph the Dreamer realized it has prophetic qualities like Dream DeJa Vu

  • Thomas Edison used it for Inventions

Hypnagogic visions in particular often happen with eyes closed and are ≤ seconds in the imagination. Despite how transient Sometimes the complex information within your subconscious arrives as a single image you instantly understand at a glance.  this is similar to how one image that crosses the mind can hold within it a lot of meaning and context condensed within in a blip of imagery.

[Insert compass and puzzle drawing here] 

It can inform decisions by filling in blind spots of a situation with key ideas or a kernel of an idea that give breakthroughs in perspectives on how to approach situations of interest. Your higher subconscious knows how to convey complex/deeper concepts in ways and that the conscious waking mind can interpret. 

Aqua Lamp_

"While going to sleep, hold in mind any situation requiring creativity or thinking out of the box" 




Supporting Studies


[1] “Where Creativity Resides: The Generative Power of Unconscious Thought” by Ap Dijksterhuis & Teun Meurs, Social Psychology Program, University of Amsterdam 2004

[2] “Think Different: The Merits of Unconscious Thought in Preference Development and Decision Making” by Ap Dijksterhuis University of Amsterdam. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology Copyright 2004 by the American Psychological Association 2004, Vol. 87, No. 5, 586–598

[3] “Dormio: Interfacing With Dreams for Creativity” by Grover, Horowitz, and Reynolds-Cuellar, et. al. MIT.  J.4 Social and Behavioral Sciences: Psychology 2018

[4] “A Self-Observational Study of Spontaneous Hypnagogic Imagery Using the Upright Napping Procedure” by Tore A. Nielsen Ph.D University of Montreal, Canada

[5] “Wakeful Sleep: Hypnagogia” by Gary Lachman Published 2002 by Fortean Times

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